Contact, News & Events
We're happy to announce the launch of Scratches Like Whispers, Domenic Marinelli's latest book.
For further news, upcoming events, or to contact him, be sure to follow Author Domenic Marinelli on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Be sure to check out and subscribe to his YouTube channel.
Just click on the social media icons at the top of the page for direct links to all of the above.
Find great Domenic Marinelli titles at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, chapters.indigo.ca & other online stores. You can also ask to order them in-store at Chapters and Indigo in Canada and at Barnes & Noble in the US.
Recent Releases
Scratches Like Whispers / Dec. 2024
Ancient Credos In Sanskrit Moderna / Dec. 2022
Across a Dark River in Palermo / Dec. 2021
His Old Tapes (stories & poetry) / June 2021