I decided to go back with my eighth go-around with this book writing business.
Way back.
I can remember the time when I wanted something more from the fiction I was reading ... something darker; much darker than the books and comics I was reading in those days. Fed up with happy endings and stories tied up nicely with a bow, I was ready for more. And yes, even though sometimes happy endings are fine, a change is definitely nice every now and again. So ... all those years ago, when I was about 8 or 9, I ventured into my sister's room and looked through her collection of books.
I stumbled across a bunch of books by a dude named RL Stine. The covers filled me with a sense of excitement--the same sense of excitement you feel when waiting in line to ride a wicked roller coaster at a theme park--you know the feeling.
As I held those dozen or so books in my sister's collection and rifled through the pages, a feeling passed through me and in it there was a hint of something I couldn't exactly put my finger on ... something sinister, but I knew I'd hit the mark and I couldn't have been happier at what I'd found. It's the feeling all of us fans of horror feel when we've found a book we just know we'll love. Gore and just what I was looking for leaked through the pages of those books, I just knew it, and believe it or not, I was more than ready for it.
My sister also had a decent amount of Christopher Pike novels and they did the trick too (boy, did they!). And just like that I was hooked. I read those books and others voraciously, horror suddenly becoming my favorite genre. As time passed, I even got into Diane Hoh, who was also a great storyteller.
So it was these writers who were responsible for ushering me to a land of horror and excitement in which I currently dwell, and I will forever be grateful. As time passed, I graduated to Stephen King, others ... and well, the rest is history.
So this is why at this point in my career, I've decided to write a novel, a horror novel, that would be suited for youngsters ... youngsters that are ready for a little more. And I know that it's a departure from the usual books I like to write, but heck, I had a great old time writing this one and if I do say so myself, it's quite the spine-chiller.
The truth is, I've always wanted to write some novels like this--novels that were suitable for one and all like the masters and teachers I mentioned above. And not to worry, you grown-ups out there will get a kick out of this one too, as it's not just for kids. The themes are lighter and the horror is a tad tamer, but I guarantee that when you put the kids to bed and curl up to read Kiss of the Calliope, it'll scare even you. So keep a light on, won't you.
Until next time.
Keep reading Friends and Readers
PS: Find the novel here in print and in eBook format ... https://www.amazon.com/Kiss-Calliope-Domenic-Marinelli/dp/1725878895/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1536150588&sr=8-1&keywords=domenic+marinelli
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See the BIO section on this site for the full Domenic Marinelli biography.
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